Today's meeting was primarily a postmortem of the 2007 season. We discussed what worked and what we can improve on from last year. Below are the results and action items for which they volunteered.
Vote results:
- They voted to keep the Supernova name, 5 to 3
- Regional preferences:
- Batavia
- Palatine
- Lake Zurich
Action items and assignments. The organizational stuff we can do at the next meeting since we don't yet know the project or missions, but we have enough experience to know the fundamentals of what generally needs to be done.
We need a "lawyer" at each tournament run to respectfully discuss with the judge any scoring issues. Also responsible for the mission tracker and working with the rest of the team to make tradeoffs. Needed 2 team members so there is a backup.
Robot Run Organization: We should have a binder for the missions: robot alignment, implements, etc. Need a solution for quickly accessing programs.
Software organization - process for keeping computers synchronized, understanding my-blocks and how they are stored. Robot download before meetings and tournaments. Integration of Andrew's program access. Includes SW part of the technical presentation and board.
- Paul, Alex and Andrew (related to program access)
Project Schedule - work out the steps for completion and when they need to be complete, with enough time left at the end for practice before regional tournament. Assume 2 meetings per week starting 9/4.
Robot Schedule - work out the steps for completion and when they need to be complete, with enough time lef at the end for optimization and practice before regional tournament. Assume 2 meetings per week starting 9/4.
Tournament tri-fold information boards. Everyone contributes but we need an owner for each.
- Joey: Bios
- ?: Technical
- ?: Project
Robot Re-design and testing. Think about improvements, build and test solutions and present to the group. Finish this in the next couple weeks so that we know the robot platform, making it easier to design implements and approach a final design sooner.
- Nate, Michael, Andrew, Paul and Danny
Other topics discussed:
- The team liked solving all missions last year and then optimizing for points. They think they can move quicker to multi-missions from the beginning now by doing more up-front thinking about the implements and what missions can be combined.
- Helper charts might be useful, like wheel rotations vs. degrees robot rotation (single wheel turns).
- Test all missions on at least 2 robots. If they do not behave the same, find out why so that we may learn and also to make the missions more robust.